Monday, January 23, 2012

Day 15: Not bad for a Monday!

Dear Friends,

Today I started the workday in my pj's due to ice on the roads, I got in a little downtime at work as I waited for my computer to be fixed, I had a pretty great workout, and I packed for SAN DIEGO!  This time tomorrow I'll be in my king size bed in my own hotel room minutes walk from big ocean-like water.  I lead a pretty fantastic life.

I'm going to go to bed now, but I just wanted to share my excitement and gratitude to the universe.  I'm blessed in so many glorious ways.


P.S. I am grateful for my family and friends, some of whom I get to see this week in my travels; the ability to travel for work-related tasks to amazing places; airplanes; ineffectual ice storms; IT repairmen; my roommate; yummy apples; and running shoes.

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