Thursday, August 25, 2011

Hurriquake 2011

Hi Friends,

I haven't blogged since last week, and as a budding writer that is unacceptable.  I did finish up an introduction to a paper that has been weighing on me for much too long.  Now to only finish up the results, write the discussion, and get it published.  That will be resolved in no time.
Someday I'll have a book to add to this pile!
But enough of that work-related stuff.  I went back to KC this past weekend and spent lots of time with two very gorgeous young men (2 months and 21 months) and have pictures and videos to share.  Perhaps it shall be a weekend project.  It will be a great weekend project because....


This weekend is my first hurricane!  I am so excited.  I just recently experienced my first earthquake and multiple aftershocks *more on that in a second* and now I get the chance to experience a hurricane.  This weekend is the weekend of the hurriquake (2011 edition) and I get to be a part of it.  I'm honored.

The preparations involve buying some water, getting some non-perishable food, and most importantly, stocking up on red wine that does not need to be chilled to be enjoyed.  And maybe some chocolate.  Perhaps I'll bake something.  These are the important issues to consider when preparing for a hurricane (it was in the official preparation media).
The shelves look like this

This is knew that.
I'm a cookie monster.
Now, back to the earthquake.  I have a confession.  I haven't felt a damn one of them.  Tuesday was the day of the *big* one.  By California standards, we are apparently wusses who can hardly survive a sneeze.  But it was big for the non-prepared, non-earthquake-ready lives we lead here on the east coast.

Some of the damage!
It happened up there.
But now the story.  I had just finished aforementioned introduction and decided to waltz up the street to purchase a little Starbucks yummy as reward.  It was 75 degrees and glorious outside, so I felt it was a great way to kill 30 minutes.  As I was walking back, iced soy vanilla latte in hand, the earthquake apparently hit.  I say apparently because the first inkling I had that something was awry was from the people sprinting out of my building yelling and staring upward.  I'm pretty sure they were looking for a plane in the post-9/11 hysteria that is understandable in this area of the world.  There wasn't a plane.

But there was an earthquake.  And I didn't feel it.  We have now had multiple aftershocks that wake people from deep sleeps and get mentioned on the morning news.  Yet nothing, nothing, have I felt.  I'm an earthquake ignoramus.  And to be fair, I actually do not wish to have an earthquake that is strong enough for me to feel it.  Obviously, if its strong enough for me to feel it, it might be bad.

That is all for now my friends.  Look for a post about the conclusion of hurriquake weekend and my trip home to KC soon.



Rachel said...

I was in an earthquake in Honduras....... Although I didn't feel it. After a couple years you just start telling people you were in an earthquake and just leave it as that. People in the Midwest find that simple statement impressive enough, no need for extra details.

And for the record, you are fabulous, I love reading your blog entries!

Amber said...

Dear Rachel!
I love you for loving my blog...although this is far from the main reasons I love you :-)

Susan Kelley-Linder said...

Thank God you are stocking up on the necessities! We'll look forward to hearing your perspectives on the Big H.....Just stay safe. Consider us "Worried in Wichita"

A Beer for the Shower said...

Well, budding writer, I hope you survived the vicious hurriquake and can return to writing soon.

Also, I love your white people approach to buying hurricane supplies, i.e. buying red wine. And that's no judgment, I'd do the same damn thing.

Chip said...

Sorry about the severe inclement weather, Amber. I hope that you're surviving. If you email me your address, I'll send you a "Hurriquake Survival Kit." Hahaha.