Monday, February 6, 2012

Day 29: Eating in bulk

Dear Friends,

Today I am hungry...probably because I ate unwell this weekend and now my stomach thinks I need oodles of fat and sugar to be full.  I am thwarting this desire by 1) running outside in the sunshine (meant going to work at 7am) and 2) eating a huge amount of fiber-rich, low calorie foods.  I just sauteed a big batch of cole slaw mix with a tidge of olive oil and lots of sriracha sauce and ate it all.  Nothing like half a cabbage to make one feel full and beautiful :-)

On another note, I interviewed a potential summer intern this afternoon and it was fabulous.  Sometimes I get so far removed from the teaching/mentoring side of my profession that I forget how much I love it.  It helps that she was adorable!  Days like today reinvigorate me to move towards actually being a professor and enjoying my time with students.

I think that's it for now.  I should probably go dedicate a million years to getting through my eHarmony profiles.

Love you guys!

P.S. Grateful for my amazing life! Teaching, mentoring, being taught, my Mom, my Brother, my nephews, my Daddy, my friends.

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