Saturday, February 4, 2012

Day 27: No thank you

Dear eHarmony,

You are overwhelming me with the number of matches you give me a day.  Also, although matching me with people who look like they could be my father makes the sifting through of profiles easier, I don't appreciate you matching me with very nerdy looking men.  I get I'm a nerd, I really do, but I'm pretty sure I emphasized in my personality questions that I am totally a snob and like attractive and nerdy men.  So step up eHarmony, step up.


P.S. I'm totally grateful for my friends (great long convo w Desiree today and we haven't had a chance to do that in a while; cupcake making with Leigh and Britni; wonderful book club last night); my family; chocolate lava cake that you make in the crockpot; French vanilla ice cream; KU Jayhawks basketball; and my laptop.


Dana said...

Way to go on the positive attitude.

Elizabeth said...

Seriously, where are the attractive nerdy men? We know they are out there. Catch up Eharmony. :)