Thursday, July 28, 2011

Something delicious this way comes...

I like dessert a lot. I have been known to skip a true dinner so that I can enjoy more dessert instead. But there are times when this is not practical, perhaps when I have already eaten my dinner voraciously without considering the dessert only option. Other times I consciously make the smart choice to eat a well-balanced dinner...but find myself desiring a deliciously sweet snack. The problem then remains that I often avoid buying dessert-like items on my weekly grocery trip. Having treats in the house usually leads to the skipping dinner, eating dessert situation described above. Luckily, I have recently found a recipe with ingredients I often have on hand and that makes only one small peanut butter cake. Soooo good. I suggest you try it (almond butter is amazing in it as well!).

Thank you to Stacy Braiuca for pointing me in this direction!

1 comment:

Dana said...

My new found knowledge of this one minute cake is dangerous. I'm trying to talk myself out of just having it for lunch.- Dana W.