Sunday, January 22, 2012

Day 14: Ok, maybe not a dick...

Happy Sunday!

I did get some eHarmony matches this morning.  No one I'm really interested in...but they are there.  Perhaps I am way more physically shallow than I thought.  None of them really "do it" for me.  My assumption is that you put up the best photos you can find of yourself, so if these are the photos they put up...and I'm not interested because I don't find them attractive...then in real life it won't get better.  Totally shallow!  Oh well, its just day one of a full profile for me, so I can be patient.  I'm fighting my impulse to respond to the one dude who sent me questions just to be nice.  I don't really want to get to know him or go on a date with him.  I don't need to do things just because it is the polity thing to do (this is the mantra I repeat in my head as I look at his communication request and fight to not reply out of duty).

Other than that, I think I'm going to order some pizza, get a little work done, and watch movies today. It's snowing again outside and I'm not motivated to get out there and conquer any kind of day.  Next up, Ryan Reynolds!  Love that man.  He and I shall have a lovely lazy Sunday together.


P.S. I am grateful for my ability to both pay for an eHarmony subscription and pizza.  The world takes care of me so well.  Plus I'm super grateful for my ability to skype with my Mom.  We got to look at each other this morning in our gross, pajama'ed glory.

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