Hello Friends,
With hurriquakes and summer on the horizon behind me now, I feel like giving a little life update. I spent Labor Day weekend in St. Louis with several of my favorite family members and didn't take a darn picture to share. All I can tell you is that I spent three wonderful days eating healthy, hugging my favorite people, and partaking in zumba and yoga. It was delightful.
Then I flew back to DC and started a stretch of a full month in which I'm not traveling on a plane. It has been a while since that has occurred. I'm not sure I like it. In fact, if I could find cheap flights I'd be back in KC this weekend in a second. I haven't seen my nephews since August 21st...that's almost a month! I send videos so that Allie doesn't forget me, but it's just not the same. I find I want to squeeze his little cheeks and hear his precious laugh more than almost anything. And Avery is just now becoming a fun little dude, and I want to get to be a part of that also. Thank goodness for airplanes.
On September 24th, I am going to Roanoke, VA to visit Desiree. She is running her very first 5k race, and I get the privilege to run with her. I'm really excited! I think we get t-shirts, which is the only real reason for running. I also haven't seen Desiree in over a month, and that is much too long. I want to squeeze her little cheeks too!
On the work side of things, I've found a home. My mentor is the Associate Director of the Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences, which means he has a lot of responsibility throughout the NCI, and I get a lot of freedom to work with many people. He is a great researcher, leader, and person, and I will benefit from all of those roles. Hopefully I will be an asset to him as well. I move into my new, larger cubicle/office on Monday. I think my mentor is a great choice.
So now I find myself wondering what to do with my weekend. I am considering making a rather long drive to the ocean, even though it is going to be in the upper 60s this weekend. I think the ocean is rather tremendous even if I cannot get into it. I may also spend a day doing some touristy things in the city. Does anybody have any suggestions for my weekend? I'd love to have some help.
Now that you're up to date on my life, I will wish you adieu. I am going to do a little pre-bed yoga and settle down for a long fall's nap.
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