Thursday, August 4, 2011

Great news about exercise (and how little you need for beneficial effects)

I just read a blog post, and will provide the link below, that discussed new studies (yay psychology!) that suggest that even very moderate activity such as walking and simple lifestyle activities can have beneficial effects on cognitive/mental ability in one's later years.  One of my favorite quotes came from a study in which sedentary women in their 70s were able to stave off mental decline simply by walking around the block.

"Walking and other light activity had bought them, essentially, five years of better brainpower."

I love that science is supporting the conjecture that any type of movement is better than nothing.  Walking five minutes is better than not.  Doing one's dishes by hand and hanging up laundry is better than allowing the dishwasher and dry cleaner to do the work.  

In my own life, I have long had an all or nothing approach to life.  My Mother accused me (often) of being too black and white.  I've always either been on a diet or eating whatever I wanted, been in the midst of a rabid workout routine or lazy, been really happy or really sad.  I'd like to think that I am starting to recognize and embrace the loveliness of the gray area in-between, and I love that science supports my move to moderation and away from extremism.  

Happy Thursday friends.  Tomorrow: Chicago (and probably a bit of happy, eating, lazy extremism!).


Desiree said...

Gray is great!!!! :)

Desiree said...

Gray is great!!! :)